Team 17 announced Worms Rumble, a 32-player battle royale game for PS4, PS5 and PC through Steam. The big selling point here is that the combat is now in real-time, as opposed to the previous games’ turn-based system. It will also have the classic weapons along with new ones and other details that you can read about in their PlayStation Blog about it. There will be a beta available for PC from July 15 – 20, which you can sign up for here. You can also watch a trailer for the game below:
In my opinion, this is something that I interpret as both inevitable, but still a pretty bad idea. I’ve been watching Youtubers play the older Worms games for a while now, which has always been fun to see get modded and enjoyed despite their age. The simple turn-based nature of it is what makes it more fun and calculated, as suppose to everyone just running around shooting each other without any of the strategy. Combined with the newer art style, it looks a little too Fortnite for me.
I think there’s a lot being lost here in favor of trying to be more modern, similar to how many fighting game franchises transition to 3D, but not necessarily being better for it. I wish I could be more optimistic about it, but I can’t deny the weird feeling in my gut telling that this won’t be the cult classic the older games have become.
Source: PlayStation Blog, Team 17 (Youtube)